Wharton High School Data Science Competition:
Soccer Playoff Predictions

Registration Policy

  • The competition is open to current high school students no younger than 14 and no older
    than 18 at the start of the competition.
  • Student teams must be comprised of members from the same high school (and be from the same branch
    if the high school has various branches) and must have at least three and at most five students.
  • Each team must have a dedicated advisor who is a verified employee of the school.
  • Participating advisors are free to use this in their classroom as a learning tool but only one team of 3-5 students
    may participate as the single team representing the school. See the Rules page for detailed information.
  • Each team must have completed the registration process in full and meet the criteria noted above to
    receive data and participate.

IMPORTANT: The competition will be capped at 200 teams. Only one team per school will be permitted to participate. If more than 200 teams meet all the criteria noted above and register, participation will be determined by a lottery system. Registration criteria are listed on the Rules page.