Wharton High School Data Science Competition:
Soccer Playoff Predictions

Registration Policy

Before registering, please be sure to consult the Registration Policy page to learn more about eligibility and criteria.

How to Register

Please remember:

Advisors are responsible for registering their student team for the competition and only one team per school may be registered. Please note that if this rule is not followed, all involved teams may be disqualified from participating. 

1. Advisors Create the “Apply” Account by Clicking the Blue “Register” Button

  • In order to register your team for the competition, you will need to create an account in Apply using your school email (if you have one). 
  • Once you complete this process, you will receive a confirmation email from data-comp@wharton.upenn.edu.

Please add data-comp@wharton.upenn.edu to your address book to ensure that this essential email and others that will come throughout the competition will not be blocked.

Note: The Wharton Sports Analytics and Business Initiative is a program of Analytics at Wharton!

2. Advisors Register for Competition by Clicking the Blue “Apply” Button and Completing the “Register” Application Task

  • You as the advisor must register your team for the competition, following the instructions you receive in the confirmation email noted above. We want to stress that students must not register for the competition on their own behalf or on behalf of their team. If this rule is not followed, your team may be disqualified.
  • Please have the following information prepared in order to complete registration:
    • High school name, website, country, postal code
    • The principal’s full name and their email address
    • Advisor’s school-issued email address
    • A  backup email address for the advisor
    • A list of the 3-5 student team members from the same school as the advisor. Please note that one of those students will need to be designated as the team leader in the following prompt.
  • For each student, the following information will be needed:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Graduation Year

3. Advisors Add the Student Team Leader as Collaborator by Clicking the “Add collaborator” Button

  • The Advisor must invite the student team leader as a “collaborator” on the team’s application in Apply. 


  • Applications are set up for each team, not each student. 
  • There should be only one application per team, and only one per school. 

The advisor and the student team leader must both have Apply accounts, as they provide access to the team application. These accounts are generated by following the instructions provided above, and confirmed via the email noted above: