Growth Is The Ultimate Team Sport

A football coach is doused with a Gatorade cooler by players wearing red uniforms, celebrating on the sidelines.

The article below by Stephen Diorio, Forbes, features Professor Adi Wyner, faculty co-Lead for WSABI on Four Lessons for Building High Performance Revenue Enablement Teams Growing revenue has emerged as the ultimate team sport. Selling to a digitally empowered customer across many channels requires a wider variety of functional roles,Read More

Retired Athletes’ New Gameplan

A person in a blue polo shirt stands in an office filled with sports memorabilia, including a framed Philadelphia Flyers jersey on the wall and various items on the desk and shelves.

Check out this article by John George in Philadelphia Business Journal quoting professor emeritus with Wharton Ken Shropshire and looking at five retired Philadelphia athletes who have stayed in the region at a variety of businesses where they work out of the public spotlight. Brian Propp in his office. WhenRead More

A Guide to Wharton’s Summer Programs

Colorful illustration of diverse people engaged in various learning activities, with the text "Summer Scholars" on a banner, set against a vibrant, abstract background.

Check out this article in Wharton Magazine for a full guide to Wharton’s Summer Programs. “Sports analytics are the big draw of the Wharton Moneyball Academy held every July. High-school juniors and seniors spend three weeks digging into data—most of the curriculum is based on Statistics 101 and 470 as well asRead More